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Sunday, June 26, 2011

People Changes, Circusmatances Changes

I don't remember the exact date when it started ........but we started exchanging sms ....I always use to update myself  to him .....he was so curious about me and gradually the story started .... we use to exchange 100 sms in a day times it was 140 , 150 ............
He wanted to have elder in his life ...He was all alone ........His parents were not supportive as he use to say ........Prior when we started talking ........he got influence with me .......Later  the flow of appreciation came from his side ........My eyes are most  addictive n beautiful ......He use to dislike his parents .........

I made all my efforts to give him less headache ........He was suffering from migraine .........I always advice him as elder in his life, and as his well wisher ........I always wanted him to be happy ..........I dont knw what misunderstanding happened and  we are not in touch .........being his elder sister in his life ...........I miss him .......I miss you Kiddo ......I will miss you always . I love you a lot